
Showing posts from 2022

Grace Is Messy

There is a gift that Jesus extends to every one of us.  A gift that is often misunderstood and undeserved, and yet when embraced, changes lives forever.  That gift is grace and it is messy. Find the online fill-in notes here .  Watch here:

Listen to the Right People

There are a lot of voices competing for our attention.  Who we choose to listen to, makes all the difference.  When we listen to the right people we will be led in the right direction and find great success in life.  Find the online fill-in notes here . Watch here:   

How To Have A Healthy Blended Family

 All families have their challenges, but living within a blended family has a set of challenges that are unique only to them.  Whether you are a divorced and remarried couple without kids, or you are a divorced and remarried couple with kids, it's not easy.  but God offers a pathway to hope and healing Find the online fill-in notes  here . Watch here:

Stepping into the Unknown Pt. 2

 In the book of Genesis, we read a story of an amazing young man.  Joseph traveled some very difficult days. Days filled with unexpected twists, turns, and people.  Through his story we learn how to step into the unknown with the confidence that comes only with a close relationship with our God. Hear the message here . Download the accompanying outline here . Watch here:

Stepping into the Unknown Pt. 1

 In the book  of Genesis,  we read a  story of an amazing young man.  Joseph traveled some very difficult days.  Days filled with unexpected twists, turns, and people.  Through his story we learn how to step into the unknowns with the confidence that comes only with a close relationship with our God. Hear the message here . Download the accompanying  outline here . Watch here: